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March 12, 2005

I Predict?

If I really could have predicted anything it would have been that Danny Fortson was not going to play. That threw the game out the window.
Still, Activate Wilkins, sit Radmanovic and Lewis and Ray Allen a little and still have a little shooting from Wilkins to make up for that loss of production from the others. This team is wearing down just in time for the playoffs. They should lengthen the rotation for a few weeks and then tighten it back up two weeks before the playoffs.

As far as what happened with Mr. Fortson. Well, let's see. There was a closed door practice with refs calling the action. Somebody that has foul trouble had an argument with Nate McMillan
"Friday, March 11, 2005
Sonics' emotions boil over at practice
McMillan sends Fortson home early"

Hmmm, when has this happened before?
Wasn't James the target of "tight calls" in the past few years in practice?
Wasn't that playing through the "bad calls" a lesson McMillan has taught before?
I'm willing to guess that is what this is about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you get it dont you