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March 26, 2008

AdAge Article, Rename/Rebranding

It is very likely to happen, if/when Oklahoma City takes an NBA team, that they will name them something else. I like the "Rustlers" as that fits in with the Oklahoma State Cowboys. So, Clay Bennett offering to leave something behind that he does not want to pack up and move with him is an empty gesture. I dare Bennett to keep the name and all that, and live with the constant reminder of the past year and the next two years of getting horrible press in an entertainment industry. He is burning a bridge and then offering to leave behind the smoldering ashes.
That is just dumb.
The name "Sonics" is so soiled by Clay Bennett that Steve Ballmer might to go back 15, or so, years and rebrand the Sonics back to the "SuperSonics".
For that matter, the reason for naming something is to reflect the image you want the team to project, or of the community. Well, why keep calling them the Sonics? The Bullets are the Wizards.

AdAge story here!

Have a great day,
Mr Baker

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Hey how about this...the Oklahoma City SuperCells. It's perfect

Anonymous said...

the Oklahoma City SuperCells